Front Panel
1 Standby button & LED indicator
e front panel Standby button will toggle the integrated amplifier
between operate, its fully operational state, and a standby mode that leaves
the integrated amplifier off, yet ready to respond to system commands via
or RS-232).
e current state of the integrated amplifier is indicated by the LED on
the standby button on the front panel. When the unit is powered and
• on = standby
• ashing(on power-up) = initialization
• o = operate
• on(dim) = display timeout
• ashing(after power-up) = AC mains voltage out of range
If you are planning not to use the integrated amplifier for an extended
period of time, e.g. vacation or other travel, we suggest you disconnect it
from the AC mains. Please be certain that the integrated amplifier is in
standby prior to disconnecting it from the AC mains.
Also, it is a good practice to physically disconnect any and all valuable
electronics from the AC mains during electrical storms, as a lightning strike
anywhere near your home can put a tremendous surge on the AC mains
that can damage any piece of electronics, no matter how well designed
and protected. e best protection in the case of severe electrical storms is
simply to remove the electronics from any connection with the power grid.