Citrix Education 15
Copyright © 2008 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 Interactive Item Types
The Implementing Citrix XenApp 5.0 for Windows Server 2008 exam
consists primarily of traditional multiple-choice items. This exam also
includes non-traditional Drag and Drop and Point and Click interactive
While answers are stored for traditional multiple-choice items so that exam-
takers may revisit the item and see their chosen answers, the same is not true
of non-traditional interactive items. Once an answer is given for a non-
traditional item, it is stored. However, if the exam-taker returns to the item,
the answer will not be visible and they will be prompted to answer the item
again. Specific features of non-traditional items will be discussed in this
6.2 Description
of Drag and
Drop Items
Drag and drop items instruct candidates to drag objects to pre-defined
destinations. These types of items test a candidate’s understanding of a
process, order, or other regimented concept.
In these items, pre-defined destinations are marked by rectangular objects
called destination panels. Destination panels indicate where objects can be
placed in the user interface. These panels contain instructions, such as “Place
Here” or “Place First Here” (as shown in Figures 6.4 and 6.5) or similar text,
that alert candidates that this is a panel onto which an object should be
dragged. Objects that can be moved are marked by an action word or
As with the other non-traditional items, candidates must click “Done” within
the task window when finished in order to record their answer(s) and move on
to the next item.
6.3 Specialized
Cursors in
Drag and Drop
While dragging these objects, candidates should pay careful attention to the
cursor. Figures 6.4 and 6.5 depict the two cursors candidates will see while
completing a Drag and Drop item in this exam.