Chapter 8. vApps
A vApp is a logical group of one or more related Virtual Machines (VMs) which can be started up as a single entity.
When a vApp is started, the VMs contained within the vApp will start in a user predefined order, to allow VMs
which depend upon one another to be automatically sequenced. This means that an administrator no longer has
to manually sequence the startup of dependant VMs should a whole service require restarting (for instance in
the case of a software update). The VMs within the vApp do not have to reside on one host and will be distributed
within a pool using the normal rules.
The vApp functionality is particularly useful in the Disaster Recovery situation where an Administrator may
choose to group all VMs which reside on the same Storage Repository, or which relate to the same Service Level
Agreement (SLA).
vApps can be created and modified using both XenCenter and the xe CLI. For information on
working with vApps using the CLI, see the XenServer Administrator's Guide.
8.1. Managing vApps in XenCenter
XenCenter's Manage vApps dialog box allows you to create, delete and modify vApps, start and shutdown vApps,
and import and export vApps within the selected pool. When you select a vApp in the list, the VMs it contains
are listed in the details pane on the right.
To change the name or description of a vApp, add or remove VMs from the vApp, and change the startup sequence
of the VMs in the vApp, use the Manage vApps dialog box.
Modifying vApps
1. Select the pool and, on the Pool menu, click Manage vApps.
Alternatively, right-click in the Resources pane and click Manage vApps on the shortcut menu.
2. Select the vApp and click Properties to open its Properties dialog box.
3. Click the General tab to change the vApp name or description.
4. Click the Virtual Machines tab to add or remove VMs from the vApp.
5. Click the VM Startup Sequence tab to change the start order and delay interval values for individual VMs
in the vApp.
6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Properties dialog box.
See the XenCenter online help for further details. Press F1 or click Help to display the Help.
8.2. Creating vApps
To group VMs together in a vApp follow the procedure:
Creating a vApp using XenCenter
1. Select the pool and, on the Pool menu, click Manage vApps. This displays the Manage vApps window.
2. Enter a name for the vApp, and optionally a description, and then click Next.
You can choose any name you like, but a descriptive name is usually best. Although it is advisable to avoid
having multiple vApps with the same name, it is not a requirement, and XenCenter does not enforce any
uniqueness constraints on vApp names. It is not necessary to use quotation marks for names that include