actions required are listed in the text box below. If you wish to save the listed actions to a text file for your
reference, click Save to File.
Select Install update to proceed with the installation.
The Install Update wizard shows the progress of the update, printing the major operations that XenCenter
performs while updating each host in the pool.
While the pool master is being updated, XenCenter will usually lose contact with the pool, temporarily.
9. Once the update is finished, select Finish to close the Install Update wizard.
10. If you chose to manually perform post-update actions, do so now.
To update a pool of XenServer hosts using the xe CLI:
1. Download the update file (.xsupdate file extension) to a known location on the computer running the
xe CLI. Note the path to the file.
2. Upload the update file to the pool you wish to update by running the following:
xe -s <server> -u <username> -pw <password> patch-upload file-name=<filename>
Here, -s refers to the name of the pool master. XenServer assigns the update file a UUID, which this command
prints. Note the UUID.
Once an update file has been uploaded to a XenServer host, you can use the patch-list and
patch-param-list commands to view information about the file.
3. If XenServer detects any errors or preparatory steps that have not been taken (for example, VMs are running
in the pool), it alerts you. Be sure to follow any guidance before continuing with the update.
If necessary, you can shut down or suspend any VMs on the host(s) that you wish to update by using the
vm-shutdown or vm-suspend commands.
To migrate specified VMs to specified hosts, use the vm-migrate command. By using the vm-migrate
command, you will have full control over the distribution of migrated VMs to other hosts in the pool.
To automatically live migrate all VMs to other hosts in the pool, use the host-evacuate command. By using
the host-evacuate command, you leave the distribution of migrated VMs to XenServer.
4. Update the pool, specifying the UUID of the update file, by running the following:
xe patch-pool-apply uuid=<UUID_of_file>
This applies the update or hotfix to all hosts in the pool.
Alternatively, if you need to update and restart hosts in a rolling manner, you can apply the update file to
an individual host by running the following:
xe patch-apply host-uuid=<UUID_of_host> uuid=<UUID_of_file>
5. Verify that the update was applied by using the patch-list command. If the update has been successful, the
hosts field contains the host UUID.
6. Perform any post-update operations, as necessary (such as, rebooting the hosts).
If you need to reclaim space on the pool master, large update files can be deleted from the
disk by using the patch-clean command. The update information stored in the database of
the master is always retained. If required, these files can be uploaded again using the patch-
upload command.