Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
server (RADIUS)
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
server (RADIUS)
To associate a particular RADIUS server with a defined server group, use the server command in
RADIUS server-group configuration mode. To remove the associated server from the server group, use
the no form of this command.
server {hostname | ip-address}[auth-port port-number] [acct-port port-number]
no server {hostname | ip-address} [auth-port port-number] [acct-port port-number]
Syntax Description
Defaults If no port attributes are defined, the defaults are as follows:
• Authentication port: 1645
• Accounting port: 1646
Command Modes RADIUS server-group configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the server command to associate a particular RADIUS server with a defined server group.
There are two different ways in which you can identify a server, depending on the way you want to offer
AAA services. You can identify the server simply by using its IP address, or you can identify multiple
host instances or entries using the optional auth-port and acct-port keywords.
hostname Character string used to name the server host.
ip-address IP address of the RADIUS server host.
auth-port port-number (Optional) Specifies the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) destination port for
authentication requests. The port-number argument specifies the port
number for authentication requests. The host is not used for authentication
if this value is set to 0. Default is 1645.
acct-port port-number (Optional) Specifies the UDP destination port for accounting requests. The
port-number argument specifies the port number for accounting requests.
The host is not used for accounting services if this value is set to 0. Default
is 1646.
Release Modification
Release 3.2 This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1 and
Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Release 3.3.0 No modification.