Cisco UCS C210 Server Installation and Service Guide
Status LEDs
This section describes the locations and interpretations of LEDs on the server that can provide status and
troubleshooting information. This section includes the following topics:
• Front Panel LEDs, page 3-2
• Rear Panel LEDs, page 3-4
Front Panel LEDs
Figure 3-1 shows the names and locations of the front panel LEDs.
Figure 3-1 Front Panel LEDs
Table 3-1 describes the possible states and interpretations for the LEDs that are shown in Figure 3-1.
1 Locator LED/Locator button 2 Network activity LED
3 System fault LED 4 Power status LED/Power button
5 CPU fault LED 6 Memory fault LED
7 Power supply fault LED 8 DVD activity LED
9 Hard drive activity LED 10 Hard drive fault LED
Ta b l e 3-1 Front Panel LEDs
LED Name State
Locator • Off—The Locator LED is not in use.
• Blue, flashing—The Locator LED button was pressed and the
Locator LED flashes on the front and rear panels to help you find
the server in a rack.
Network activity • Off—The server is powered off or in standby power mode.
• Green, blinking—The server is communicating with the network in
main power mode. The blink rate is faster as network activity