Use Additional Troubleshooting Commands
Troubleshooting Tips for the Cisco uBR904 Cable Modem 15
Event 11—Enter the Maintenance State
As soon as the cable modem is completely up and running, it enters the operational maintenance
508178.322 CMAC_LOG_STATE_CHANGE maintenance_state
Use Additional Troubleshooting Commands
You can use other show controller and debug cable modem commands to troubleshoot different
aspects of a cable modem. However, the most useful command is the show controller cable-modem
0 mac command.
To display additional controller information inside a cable modem, enter one or more of the
following commands in Privileged EXEC mode:
To debug different components of a cable modem, enter one or more of the following commands in
Privileged EXEC mode:
Command Purpose
show controller cable-modem Displays high-level controller information.
show controller cable-modem bpkm Displays privacy state information.
show controller cable-modem des Displays information about the Data Encryption
Standard (DES) engine registers.
show controller cable-modem filters Displays information about the MAC and SID cable
modem filters.
show controller cable-modem lookup-table Displays the mini-slot lookup table inside a cable
show controller cable-modem mac
[errors | hardware |
log | resets | state]
Displays detailed MAC layer information.
show controller cable-modem phy Displays physical layer information, such as receive
and transmit physical registers.
show controller cable-modem tuner Displays tuning information.
Command Purpose
debug cable-modem bpkm
{errors | events | packets} Debugs baseline privacy information.
debug cable-modem bridge Debugs the bridge filter.
debug cable-modem error Debugs cable interface errors.
debug cable-modem interrupts Debugs cable modem interface interrupts.
debug cable-modem mac
{log [verbose] | messages} Displays and debugs the MAC layer log entries in
real time.
debug cable-modem map Debugs map message processing information.