User Guide for Cisco Home Agent Service Manager
Chapter 4 Using Service Manager
Activating Services on HA Devices
The left pane contains:
• Job Details—Expand this folder to display Execution Summary and Device Details for the
scheduled job.
• Execution Summary—Click this folder to view the following information for the job.
Execution Summary—Displays the status, start time, and end time of the job.
Device Summary—Displays a summary of the number of devices for which the download
operation was successful, partially successful, failed, or not attempted.
• Device Details—Click a device to display the job CLI output on the right panel.
Table 4-5 lists the elements of the Job Details Window.
Table 4-5 Job Details Window Field Description
Field Description
Execution Summary
Status Status of the job.
Start Time Time the job started.
End Time Time the job ended.
Device Summary
Summary of the number of devices for which the download operation was
successful, partially successful, failed, or not attempted. Click a device to
display the job CLI output on the right panel.
Successful Lists the devices for which the download operation was successful. Click a
device to display the job CLI output on the right pane.
Failed Lists the devices for which a download of one or more commands failed. Click
a device to display the job CLI output on the right panel.
Partially Successful Lists the devices for which download was partially successful.
Devices Not
Lists devices for which a download was not attempted. This status usually
means that RME is not currently managing the device. That is, the device is in
suspended state or does not exist in the RME database.
Unknown Devices Implies that the HA SM was unable to interpret the job output results because
it was not in the expected format. Click a device to display the entire job output.
Caution This state should not occur under normal conditions. Report any
incidents of this type to Cisco’s Technical Assistance Center.