Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G/7971G-GE Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970G/7971G-GE Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications
Manager 7.0 provides the information you need to understand, install, configure, manage, and
troubleshoot the phones in the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 series on a Voice-over-IP (VoIP) network.
Because of the complexity of a Unified Communications network, this guide does not provide complete
and detailed information for procedures that you need to perform in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager (formerly Cisco Unified CallManager) or other network devices. See the “Related
Documentation” section on page xii for a list of related documentation.
Network engineers, system administrators, or telecom engineers should review this guide to learn the
steps required to properly set up the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series on the network.
The tasks described are administration-level tasks and are not intended for end-users of the phones.
Many of the tasks involve configuring network settings and affect the phone’s ability to function in the
Because of the close interaction between the Cisco Unified IP Phone and
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, many of the tasks in this manual require familiarity with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “An Overview of the Cisco Unified IP Phone” Provides a conceptual overview and description of the
Cisco Unified IP Phone
Chapter 2, “Preparing to Install the Cisco Unified IP Phone
on Your Network”
Describes how the Cisco Unified IP Phone interacts with
other key IP telephony components, and provides an overview
of the tasks required prior to installation
Chapter 3, “Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone” Describes how to properly and safely install and configure the
Cisco Unified IP Phone on your network