Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25 Configuring QoS
Displaying QoS Information
To disable the WRR scheduler and enable the strict priority scheduler, use the
no wrr-queue bandwidth global configuration command.
Displaying QoS Information
To display QoS information, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands in Table 25-5:
Table 25-5 Commands for Displaying QoS Information
Command Purpose
show class-map [class-map-name]
1. Available only on a switch running the EI.
Display QoS class maps, which define the match criteria to
classify traffic.
show policy-map [policy-map-name [class class-name]]
Display QoS policy maps, which define classification criteria for
incoming traffic.
show mls qos maps [cos-dscp | dscp-cos]
Display QoS mapping information. Maps are used to generate an
internal DSCP value, which represents the priority of the traffic.
show mls qos interface [interface-id] [policers]
Display QoS information at the interface level, including the
configuration of the egress queues and the CoS-to-egress-queue
map, which interfaces have configured policers, and ingress and
egress statistics (including the number of bytes dropped).
2. You can define up to 13 DSCP values for which byte or packet statistics are gathered by hardware by using the show mls qos interface statistics
privileged EXEC command.
show mls masks [qos | security]
Display details regarding the masks
used for QoS and security
3. Access control parameters are called masks in the switch CLI commands and output.
show wrr-queue cos-map Display the mapping of the CoS priority queues.
show wrr-queue bandwidth Display the WRR bandwidth allocation for the CoS priority