Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 15 Configuring QoS
Configuring QoS
Figure 15-4 Radio Access Categories Page
Note In this release, clients are blocked from using an access category when you select Enable for Admission
Configuring Nominal Rates
When an access point receives an ADDTS (add traffic stream) request from a WMM client, it checks the
nominal rate or minimum PHY rate in the ADDTS request against the nominal rates defined by the CLI
command traffic-stream. If they do not match, the access point rejects the ADDTS request.
If you choose Optimized Voice Settings (see Figure 15-4), the following nominal rates are configured:
• 5.5Mbps, 6.0Mbps, 11.0Mbps, 12.0Mbps, and 24.0Mbps
Information about the traffic-stream command can be found in the Command Reference for Cisco
Aironet Access Points and Bridges, which is available at cisco.com at the following URL: