Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide How to Use the CICMan Utility 158
How to Use the CICMan Utility
Use the CICMan utility to view and set NAM to CICM session information for a NAM
CallRouter. For use with NAM Call Routers only.
To Access CICMan from the Dashboard
To run CICMan from the Support Tools Dashboard:
1. Use the System Select screen to select the system you want to work with.
2. From the Dashboard menu, select Cisco Common Tools > CICMan.
3. In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using
section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the cicman command is already implied. Do
not enter it in the Arguments field.
4. If desired, in the Commands field, enter (or paste from a batch file) a group of
commands to run in batch mode. When you do this:
Separate individual commands by a new line.
Do not enter input flags.
Do not enter an input file name in the arguments field.
5. Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is
the amount of time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
6. If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run
regardless of the level of server activity.
7. Click the Run button.
To Access CICMan from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on a NAM Call Router, you can run CICMan from the ICM root
directory. For example: