Instruction Manual Plasma Display Electric Pop-Up Lift
12 Volt Out Supply
This internal power supply can be used to power external
devices &/or to initiate specific functions (see Pushbutton
operation and Figure 25).
1. Connect one lead to 12 VOLT GROUND (terminal #9).
2. Connect one lead to 12 VOLTS OUT (terminal #10).
24 Volt Out Supply
This internal power supply can be used to power external
devices & remote controllers (see Figure 26).
1. Connect one lead to 24 VOLT COMMON (terminal #2).
2. Connect one lead to 24 VOLTS OUT (terminal #1).
Two Dry Contact Closures
NOTE: Dry contacts are rated for 1 Amp @ 24 volts.
These contacts can be used to complete circuits to external
devices (see Figure 27 and Figure 28).
1. Connect one lead to terminal #17 (extend limit common).
2. Connect one lead to terminal #16 (closes when unit
reaches full extension).
3. Connect one lead to terminal #19 (retract limit common).
4. Connect one lead to terminal #18 (closes when unit is
fully retracted).
Low Voltage Sensing
1. Connect positive lead (5 - 30 volts AC/DC) to terminal #7
and ground of switching device to terminal #8 (see
Figure 29). Unit extends when voltage is sensed, retracts
when voltage ceases.
Example using internal 12 volt DC supply (Figure 30):
Figure 25. 12 Volts
Figure 24. 26 Volts
Figure 27. Extend Dry Contacts
Figure 28. Retract Dry Contacts
Figure 29. Low Voltage Sensing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 30. 12 Volt DC Supply