
Page 12SKU 93188 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353
REV 08a, 08e
When Cable starts
to bend, twist or
Too much slack in Cable or cutter tool caught in stoppage. Re-
lease Foot Switch, press Direction Lever down to temporarily
reverse cable feed direction, and re-wind to relieve twist on Cable.
Pull direction lever up (FORWARD) to continue.
When Cable has
trouble getting
around tight bends
in drain pipe
Press Motor Direction Switch (5) to Reverse while applying
steady pressure to Cable. Keep in mind that this will reverse auto
feed operation as well. Do for only a few seconds to pass bend.
More time could cause tangling or kinks in the Drum. If problem
persists, Cable is too large for pipe. Switch to a drain cleaner with
a smaller cable
When Cable reach-
es clog in drain pipe
Do not force Cable through stoppage. Press Direction Lever to
neutral position. Allow Cable to progress forward slowly, chew-
ing stoppage. Slow forward move-ment reduces stress on Cable,
while cleaning better. Try back and forth Cable movement, us-
ing the Direction Lever (44-16).9. After the drain pipe has been
opened, return the cable to the Drum. To do that: Place the Direc-
tion Lever (44-16)
Problem Probable Cause(s) Solution(s)
Motor cuts off during use
and will not restart.
The motor may have been
shut off by it’s internal
thermal protection switch.
Allow motor to cool off com-
pletly before restarting.
Cable kinks, twists, or
Too much force on the 1.
Too much slack be-2.
tween Drain Cleaner
and drainpipe inlet
Cable used is wrong 3.
size for drain pipe
Cable exposed to acid4.
Cable worn out5.
Do not force cable. Let cut-1.
ter tool do the work
Move Drain Cleaner to 2.
within two feet of drainpipe
Change cable size3.
Clean and oil cable regu-4.
Replace cable5.
Cable tangles in drum Too much force on the 1.
Motor running in reverse2.
Distributor tube frozen3.
Do not force cable. Let cut-1.
ter tool do the work
Retract Cable with the Mo-2.
tor Direction Switch (5) in
the Forward position
Lubricate distributor tube 3.