The diagram shows you where you should place
your jack to change a front tire. Use the bolts (A) as
a guide when positioning the jack lift head (C)
near the rear edge of the front wheel opening (B).
For jacking at the vehicle’s front location, put
the jack lift about 8.5 inches (21.5 cm) from the rear
edge of the front wheel opening in the cutout of
the rocker panel molding.
The diagram shows you where to place your jack to
change a rear tire. Use the notch (B) as a guide
when positioning the jack lift head (A) near the front
edge of the rear wheel opening (C).
For jacking at the vehicle’s rear location, put the
jack lift head about 4 inches (10 cm) from the front
edge of the rear wheel opening in the cutout of
the rocker panel molding.
Jack Placement – Front Tire
Jack Placement – Rear Tire