2. Training for Racers
Get your resting heart rate and maximum heart rate, as precisely as possible. According to your
goal, set your target zone referring to the following:
A)Training for longer physical-endurance
Aiming at races which last for several days
60% - 70% (aerobic exercise)
B)Training for physical-endurance of about two hours
70% - 80% (aerobic exercise)
C)Training for pushing power at full force which lasts for about forty seconds
more than 85% (anaerobic exercise)
D)Training for instantaneous maximum power which lasts for several seconds
more than 95% (anaerobic exercise)
(Target heart rate) - (Resting heart rate)
• Training level (%) = x 100
(Maximum heart rate) - (
heart rate)
Training level
• Target heart rate =(Maximum heart rate – Resting heart rate) x +
heart rate
• Resting heart rate
Your resting heart rate is measured when awakening in the morning
• Maximum heart rate
As a standard, the following calculations are generally used: (220 – age) or (204 – 0.69 x age).
For the precise figure, please consult a book which specializes heart rate training.
If a malfunction occurs, check the following before taking the unit to repair.
• When current speed does not appear, short-circuit the contacts on the back with metal. If the
speed display returns, the main unit is in normal condition.
• When the heart rate measuring is not correct, first check if there is any object around which
interferes with measuring such as radio systems, etc.