Configuring Digital Piano Settings
Use this to configure pedal and pitch bend wheel settings.
Item Description Setting
Knob1-3 Edit This is a group editable parameters for bn knobs (K1 to K3).
Target Selects the parameters to be controlled by a controller. For example, the “CC67:Soft”
setting specifies a soft pedal effect.
• Two targets can be specified for a single controller.
No Assign: No target specified.
CC00 to CC97: MIDI control change*
NRPN, RPN: MIDI NRPN and RPN parameters*
Pressure: MIDI channel pressure*
Tempo: Tempo setting (page EN-20)
EQ Low Gain - EQ High Gain: Master EQ >Low Gain - High Gain (page EN-81)
Upper 1 On/Off to Lower 2 On/Off: On/Off setting of each tone
Upper 1 Volume to Metronome Volume: Balance adjustment of keyboard, Auto
Accompaniment, and other volume levels
Layer Detune: Layer detune (page EN-33)
Layer 1 - Layer 6: Tone parameter settings of each layer
• The following can be assigned: On/Off, Volume (Volume), Pan (panning),
OctShift (octave shift), DspOnOff (DSP on/off), LfoPitch (LFO pitch),
LfoFiltr (LFO filter), LfoAmp (LFO amp). For details about each setting, see the
editable parameters under “Editing a Tone” (page EN-23).
DSP Bypass: Temporarily bypasses the DSP.
Dsp Param 1-16: DSP parameters
SysFX Bypass: Temporarily bypasses system effects.
MasFX Bypass: Temporarily bypasses master effects.
Refer to the
to the left.
Min Value Controller minimum output value setting. 0 to 127
Max Value Controller maximum output value setting. 0 to 127
Upper1 Enable Turning on this setting applies output MIDI messages to the Upper1 tone. Off, On
Upper2 Enable Turning on this setting applies output MIDI messages to the Upper2 tone. Off, On
Lower1 Enable Turning on this setting applies output MIDI messages to the Lower1 tone. Off, On
Lower2 Enable Turning on this setting applies output MIDI messages to the Lower2 tone. Off, On
Auto Resolution
(Knobs 1, 2, 3
Turning on this setting causes the amount of change applied when a knob is rotated
to be in accordance with the “Target”, “Min Value”, and “Max Value” settings.
When this setting is off, each click of a knob changes the applicable setting by one.
Off, On
Modulation Edit This is a group of dn MODULATION wheel editable parameters. Details of the
editable parameters are the same as “Knob1 Edit”, above.
*1 For details about each setting, see the MIDI Implementation Chart and/or
MIDI documentation.
*2 After selecting these parameters, adjust the parameters below.
MSB: CC99 for NRPN, CC101 for RPN (Setting range: 000 to 127)
LSB: CC98 for NRPN, CC100 for RPN (Setting range: 000 to 127)
Data Entry MSB/LSB: Specifies which Data Entry (MSB (CC06) or LSB
(CC38)) is controlled by a controller operation. (Settings: MSB, LSB)
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