Editing a Tone
Amp Amp. For details, see the melody tone “Amp” (page EN-26).
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Amp”
(page EN-26).
Volume, Velocity Sense
• For details about the setting items below, see the drum sound “Amp”
(page EN-28).
Envelope • For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” (page EN-26). You can input a value in the range from 0 to
Initial Level, Attack Time
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Filter”
(page EN-26). You can input a value in the range from 0 to 127.
Attack Level
• For details about the setting items below, see the hex layer “Filter”
(page EN-31).
Decay 1 Time, Decay 1 Level, Decay 2 Time, Decay 2 Level,
Decay 3 Time, Decay 3 Level, Release 1 Time, Release 1 Level,
Release 2 Time
Low Key Follow Low key follow. Adjusts the amount of volume change between
neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater change. A
positive (+) value specifies a lower volume for the low-range keyboard.
–128 to 0 to +127
Low Key Low Key. Applies the low key follow effect to the keys on the low range
(left) side of the key specified by this setting.
C-1 - G9
(Low Key High Key)
High Key Follow High key follow. Adjusts the amount of volume change between
neighboring keyboard keys. A greater value represents greater change. A
positive (+) value specifies a greater volume for the high-range keyboard.
–128 to 0 to +127
High Key High key. Applies the high key follow effect to the keys on the high range
(right) side of the key specified by this setting.
C-1 - G9
(Low Key High Key)
LFO Layer Depth LFO layer depth. Adjusts how LFO is applied to each layer. 0 to 127
Effect For details, see the melody tone “Effect” (page EN-26).
• For details about the setting items below, see the drum tone “Effect”
(page EN-28).
DSP On/Off
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Effect”
(page EN-26).
Chorus Send, Delay Send, Reverb Send
• The send value set for the effect of each layer (Effect) is multiplied by
the send value set for the overall instrument effect (Effect) and the
results are batch sent to the system.
• When “DSP On/Off” is turned on (DSP applied), chorus, delay, and
reverb settings can be configured within “Effect” below.
Display Name Description Settings
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