What is the maximum baud rate if the Satellite I/O Boxes are connected under daisy-chain so they
follow each Master I/O Box ?
In this case the physical Master I/O Box-to-Satellite I/O Box speed is 115200 bps max.
Can I update the version of Master I/O Box firmware ?
Yes, by using the dedicated download tool and a SCSI cable. Your nearest support/technical center
will inform you if it is necessary.
What happens if the power to a middle Master I/O Box which is connected to the PC is turned
The Master I/O Box that is turned OFF and all Satellite I/O Boxes that are connected to that
Master I/O Box are communication-disabled. Communication with Master I/O Boxes, other than
with that which is turned OFF, is permitted. To make the Master I/O Box available again, turn ON
that Master I/O Box first, then restart the PC.
If an attempt was made to execute the Upload/Download Utility, a startup error appeared. Why?
A startup error occurs if the SCSI cable is not properly plugged in or if the power to all the
Master I/O Boxes is not on.
If multiple Master I/O Boxes are connected, can each IT-2000 terminal independently use either
the MS-DOS version of FLINK or the Windows3.1 version of FLINK ?
This is not permitted. A timeout error will occur because of a timing lag between the MS-DOS
version of FLINK and the Windows3.1 version of FLINK.