Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
Display formatting\ntoo large
for\ncurrent screen;
Mobile Unit does not have enough
memory to run your configured
reformatted screens.
Expand the Mobile Unit memory or order a
server from Connect.
Mobile Unit\ninitialization error; Mobile Unit problem. Return the Mobile Unit to the manufacturer
for repair.
Host/App/Network\nclosed the session; Customer’s environment
disconnected the Mobile Unit
Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Disconnecting...; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Scan Barcode; Bar code scanning test. Advisory message. ---
Enter Setup\nPassword; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Enter Profile \nPassword; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Host IP; Host IP address prompt. Enter target host IP address. ---
Host Name; Host name prompt. Enter target host Name. ---
Port; Host IP port required. Enter 23 for telnet or 1800 for a Connect
server. Could also be a different number
depending on the customer’s environment.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006