Dehumidifying With The DEHUM Terminal*
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Dehum Terminal: To control a MISC output for
dehumidification, place the MISC1, MISC2, or
MISC3 jumper on the terminal labeled DEHUM.
This will supply 24VAC to the selected MISC
terminal when the humidity in the home is above the
setpoint you have chosen. Only one of the three
outputs (MISC1, MISC2, or MISC3) is req-
uired to have a jumper. For more information
regarding the MISC1, MISC2, and MISC3 outputs,
please consult your thermostat Owner’s Manual.
When the indoor humidity falls below the setpoint
you have selected, the MISC terminal will be de-
energized. The value for this setpoint ranges from
25% to 99%. To utilize this feature your HVAC unit
must be equipped with a DEHUM terminal. For
more information regarding dehumidification using
the DEHUM terminal, please consult your
thermostat’s Owner’s Manual.
*Dehumidifying with the DEHUM terminal may not be available
with your thermostat model number. Please consult your
Owner’s Manual for details.