TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON PARTS: Consult your installing dealer or the classified section of your local telephone directory under the
“Heating Equipment’’ or “Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems’’ heading for dealer listing by brand name.
Have available the Model No., Series Letter, & Serial No. of your equipment to ensure correct replacement part
Carrier Corporation Indianapolis, IN 46231
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations
Copyright 1998 Carrier Corporation Form: OMHUM-1 Replaces: OM49-9 Printed in the U.S.A. 7-98 PC 101 Catalog No. 03HU-MC0
Record the model and serial numbers of your new humidifier in
the following spaces. This information, along with the other
ready-reference facts requested below, may be required if you
should ever need information or service.
Model No._________________________________________
Serial No. _________________________________________
Date Installed ______________________________________
Dealer Name_______________________________________
City ______________________________________________
State ____________________ Zip_____________________
Telephone _________________________________________