Indoor & Outdoor Split
Geothermal Comfort Systems
Carrier Indoor & Outdoor Split Geothermal Heat Pumps - Rev.: 08/10/05
Equipment Selection
Table 1b: Selection of Coils other than Above Models for Puron® Geothermal Split
Temp (ºF)
Add-on CK5P
Coil with TXV
AND Vspd
Fan Coil
(not an ARI rated
026 - Part Load 1.5 50 530 19.2 - 22.4 A/T/W 036 018
026 - Full Load 2.0 52 880 24.2 - 28.2 A/T/W 036 030
038 - Part Load 2.5 51 700 25.2 - 29.2 A/T/W 048 036
038 - Full Load 3.0 50 1200 34.5 - 40.1 A/T 060 036
049 - Part Load 3.5 47 1000 34.3 - 39.9 A/T 060 042
049 - Full Load 4.0 48 1650 46.3 - 53.8 X060 048
064 - Full Load 5.0 48 1850 54.5 - 63.3 2 - A/T/W 036 060
* Nominal tons are at ARI/ISO 13256-1 GLHP conditions. Two-stage units may be operated in single-stage mode if desired,
where smaller capacity is required. For example, a model 026 may be used as a 1-1/2 ton unit if “locked” into 1st stage
operation only. If PSC fan is used, unit must be “locked” into either 1st or 2nd stage. An ECM fan is required for two-stage
operation and for ARI ratings. Size air handler for “Full Load” if operating in two-stage mode.
**When selecting an air handler based upon the above conditions, choose entering WB temperature of 67ºF. Use evaporator
temperature, CFM and capacity requirements as listed above. The air handler capacity must be at least at the minimum
capacity shown in the table in order for the ARI rating condition to be valid. See Figure 1 for an example selection.
Indoor Coil Selection - R-22 Units
Geothermal split system heat pumps with R-22
refrigerant are rated in the ARI directory with a
“generic” indoor coil match and PSC fan. Selection of
air handlers that attain the published ARI ratings must
meet or exceed the specifi cations listed in Table 2. A
TXV is required. Cap tubes and fi xed orifi ces are
not acceptable.
Table 2: R-22 Air Handler Characteristics
Temp (ºF) CFM
018 1.5 50 600 18.5 - 21.3
024 2.0 47 800 25.5 - 29.3
030 2.5 49 1000 31.5 - 36.2
036 3.0 48 1200 37.0 - 42.5
042 3.5 45 1400 42.2 - 48.5
048 4.0 46 1600 50.0 - 57.5
060 5.0 45 2000 58.0 - 66.7
* Nominal tons are at ARI/ISO 13256-1 GLHP conditions.
**When selecting an air handler based upon the above conditions, choose entering WB temperature of 67ºF. Use evaporator
temperature, CFM and capacity requirements as listed above. The air handler capacity must be at least at the minimum
capacity shown in the table in order for the ARI rating condition to be valid. See Figure 1 for an example selection.
GT-PX Air Handler Characteristics for Brands other than Above Models
R-22 Air Handler Characteristics