Chapter 1
Using This Manual
1.1 Required Publications...................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Getting Assistance from Reliance Electric....................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2
Identifying Drive Components Using Reference Drawings and Parts Lists
2.1 VFD Chiller Installation Drawing (500A and 643A VFD) ................................. 2-1
2.2 Front View of 500 and 643 Amp VFD with Parts List
(19XV04000601 rev 4.0) ................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 500 Amp and 643 Amp 19XRV Drive Module Component
Locations and Parts List .................................................................................. 2-4
2.4 Front View of 414 Amp VFD with Parts List (19XV04003001 rev 2.0) ............ 2-5
2.5 414 Amp 19XRV Drive Module Component Locations and Parts List............. 2-6
2.6 414 Amp 19XRV Drive Wiring Diagrams......................................................... 2-7
2.7 VFD System Wiring Diagram (19XV05007901 rev A) ..................................... 2-9
2.8 500 Amp and 643 Amp 19XRV Drive Wiring Diagrams ................................ 2-14
Chapter 3
Using the Keypad/Display to Program, Monitor, and Control the Drive..............3-1
Chapter 4
Identifying Parameter Defaults For Carrier Drives...............................................4-1
Chapter 5
Verifying the Installation ......................................... ...............................................5-1
Chapter 6
Troubleshooting the Drive
6.1 Test Equipment Needed To Troubleshoot....................................................... 6-1
6.2 Verifying That DC Bus Capacitors Are Discharged ......................................... 6-1
6.3 Checking the Power Modules and Motor with Input Power Off ....................... 6-4
6.4 Troubleshooting the Drive Using Error Codes................................................. 6-6
6.4.1 Identifying Alarm Codes and Recovering.............................................. 6-7
6.4.2 Identifying Fault Codes and Recovering ............................................... 6-8
6.4.3 Accessing, Reading, and Clearing the Faults in the Error Log............ 6-11
6.5 Identifying Fatal Fault Codes and Recovering............................................... 6-14
6.6 Indentifying PMC Board Fault Codes and Recovering .................................. 6-15
6.7 Resetting a Checksum (CHS) Fault .............................................................. 6-15