Describes the features available to setup the program to print a job. This allows the user to setup the printer port, select
which printer,and select the paper size for the print jobs sent tothe printer.The followingscreenisdisplayed when this
option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in Print Setup.
<P> Printer Port -- Thisallows theuser to select theportthat the printer will beconnectedto. Fileallows theuser tosend
the print job to an ASCII text print file. The default is set to LPT1 -- parallel port 1.
<T> Printer Type -- This allows the user to select type of printer the print jobs will be sent to. Text Only allows the user
to send the data in the ASCII text format. This does not support the graphics data. The default is set to HP Laser Jet.
<Z> Paper Size -- This allows the user to select the paper size the print job will be printed on. The custom paper size
allows the user to select a different paper size. The default is set to standard.
<S> Save -- This allows the user to save the printer setup. The program will retain these settings and use them the next
time the program is executed.
<H> Help -- Displays the help screen.
<ESC> Cancel -- Cancels the printer setup and returns the user to the Program Setup Screen. If Printer Setup is started
from the Print Data screen, the user is returned to the Print Data screen.
The following options are only available when a serial port is selected (i.e., COM 1, COM 2,...).
<A> Parity -- This allows the user to select how parity will be handled on the serial port. The default is set to no parity.
<B> Baud Rate -- This allows the user to select the baud rate of the serial port. The default is set to 9600 baud rate.
<D> Data Bits -- This allows the user to select how the data will be transferred on the serial port. The default is set to 8
data bits.
<O> Stop Bits -- This allows the user to select how the stop bits will be handled on the serial port. The default is set to 1
stop bit.