80 / 27 C
/ 16 C
Fig. 3 -- Return Air Temperatur e
Follow all national and local codes and standards in addition
to these instructions. The installation must comply with
regulations of the serving gas supplier, local building, heating,
plumbing, and other codes. In absence of local codes, the
installation must comply with the national codes listed below and
all authorities having jurisdiction.
In the United States and Canada, follow all codes and standards
for the following:
Step 1 — Safety
S US: National Fuel Gas Code (NFGC) NFPA 54--2006/ANSI
Z223.1--2006 and the Installation Standards, Warm Air Heating
and Air Conditioning Systems ANSI/NFPA 90B
S CANADA: CSA B149.1--05 National Standard of Canada
Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code
Step 2 — General Installation
S US: Current edition of the NFGC and the NFPA 90B. For
copies, contact the National Fire Protection Association Inc.,
Batterymarch Park, Quincy,MA 02269; (www.NFPA.org)or for
only the NFGC, contact the American Gas Association, 400 N.
Capitol Street, N.W., Washington DC 20001 (www.AGA.org.)
S CANADA: CAN/CSA--B149.1--05. For a copy, contact
Standard Sales, CSA International, 178 Rexdale Boulevard,
Etobicoke (Toronto), Ontario, M9W 1R3 Canada Step
Step 3 — Combustion and Ventilation Air
S US: Section 9.3 of the NFGC, NFPA 54/ ANSI Z223.1--2006
Air for Combustion and Ventilation
S CANADA: Part 8 of CAN/CSA--B149.1--05, Venting Systems
and Air Supply for Appliances
Step 4 — D uct S ystems
S US and CANADA: Air Conditioning Contractors Association
(ACCA) Manual D, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractors National Association (SMACNA), or American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) 2001 Fundamentals Handbook Chapter
34 or 2000 HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook Chapters
9 and 16.
Step 5 — A coustical Lining and Fibrous Glass Duct
S US and CANADA: current edition of SMACNA and NFPA
90B as tested by UL Standard 181 for Class I Rigid Air Ducts
Step 6 — Gas Piping and Gas Pipe Pressure Testing
S US: NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1--2006; chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 and
National Plumbing Codes
S CANADA: CAN/CSA--B149.1--05 Parts 4, 5, and 6 and
Appendices A, B, E and H.
Step 7 — Electrical Connections
S US: National Electrical Code (NEC) ANSI/NFPA 70--2008
S CANADA: Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1
Step 8 — Venting
S US: NFGC; NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1--2006 chapters 12 and 13
S CANADA: CAN/CSA--B149.1--05 Part 8 and Appendix C
Improper installation or service of furnace may cause
premature furnace component failure.
Electrostatic discharge can affect electronic components.
Follow the Electrostatic Discharge Precautions Procedure
listed below during furnace installation and servicing to
protect the furnace electronic control. Precautions will
prevent electrostatic discharges from personnel and hand
tools which are held during the procedure. These
precautions will help to avoid exposing the control to
electrostatic discharge by putting the furnace, the control,
and the person at the same electrostatic potential.
1. Disconnect all power to the furnace. Multiple disconnects
may be required. DO NOT TOUCH THE CONTROL OR
2. Firmly touch the clean, unpainted, metal surface of the fur-
nace chassis which is close to the control. Tools held in a
person’s hand during grounding will be satisfactorily dis-
3. After touching the chassis, you may proceed to service the
control or connecting wires as long as you do nothing to
recharge your body with static electricity (for example;
DO NOT move or shuffle your feet, do not touch un-
grounded objects, etc.).
4. If you touch ungrounded objects (and recharge your body
with static electricity), firmly touch a clean, unpainted
metal surface of the furnace again before touching control
or wires.
5. Use this procedure for installed and uninstalled (ungroun-
ded) furnaces.
6. Before removing a new control from its container, dis-
charge your body’s electrostatic charge to ground to pro-
tect the control from damage. If the control is to be in-
stalled in a furnace, follow items 1 through 4 before
bringing the control or yourself in contact with the fur-
nace. Put all used and new controls into containers before
touching ungrounded objects.
7. An ESD service kit (available from commercial sources)