Condenser Coil
The condenser coil is new NOVATION Heat Exchanger
Technology. This is an all--a luminum construction with
louvere d fins over single--depth crosstubes. The crosstubes
have multiple small passages through which the
refrigerant passes from header to header on each end.
Tubes and fins are both aluminum construction.
Connect ion tube joints are copper. The coil may be
one--row or two--row. Two--row coils are spaced apart to
assist in cleaning.
Repairing NOVATION Condenser Tube L eaks
RCD offers service repair kit Part Number 50TJ660007
for repairing tube leaks in the NOVATION coil crosstubes.
This kit includes approved braze materials (aluminum flux
core braze rods), a heat shield, a stainless steel brush,
replacement fin segments, adhesive for replacing fin
segments, and instructions specific to the NOVATION
aluminum coil. See EPIC for instruction sheet
The repair procedure requires the use of MAPP gas and
torch (must be supplied by servicer) instead of
conventional oxyacetylene fuel and torch. While the
flame temperature for MAPP is lower than that of
oxyacetylene (and thus provides more flexibility when
working on aluminum), the flame temperature is still
higher than the melting temperature of aluminum, so user
caution is required. Follow instructions carefully. Use the
heat shield.
Replacing NOVATION Condenser Coil
The service replacement coil is preformed and is equipped
with transition joints with copper stub tubes. When
brazi ng the connection joints to the unit tubing, use a wet
cloth around the aluminum tube at the transition joint.
Avoid applying torch flame directly onto the aluminum
Fig. 41 -- PremierLinkt Controller