Fan Motor Lubrication -- Fan motor supplied with unit is
permanently lubricated and requires no further
Fan Shaft Bearings -- Size 25--30 units have pillow--block
bearings (Fig. 23) that must be lubricated with suitable
bearing grease approximately every 3 months. See Table 7
for suitable lubricants.
Table 7 – Lubricant Data
Mobil Mobilplex E P No. 2
Sunoco Prestige 42
Texaco Multifak 2
Texaco Re g al A FB --- 2*
*Preferred lubricant, contains rust and oxidation inhibitors.
Fig. 23 -- Fan Shaft, Bearings, and Fan Wheel (Typical)
Centering Fan Wheel -- If fan and fan shaft assembly are
not properly centered, blades may scrape against the
blower side scroll plate or may create an objectionable
whistling noise. It may be necessary to adjust individual
fan wheels or move entire fan shaft. See the following two
Fan Shaft Position Adjustment -- Loosen setscrew or
locking collar of each fan shaft bearing. Slide shaft into
correct position and replace locking collar (Fig. 24). To
replace locking collar, push collar up against inner face of
bearing. Turn collar in direction of fan rotation until tight,
and tighten setscrew. Tightening locking collar in
direction of fan rotation results in further tightening of
collar should setscrew work itself loose.
Fig. 24 -- Fan Shaft Bearing
Fig. 25 -- Fan Motor Mounting