34 Preparations
Touch this option if you want to physically erase all the data rather than just clear
the file allocation table of the memory.
If you selected the [Complete Initialization] option, you can touch [Cancel] to cancel
the initialization while it is in progress. All recordings will be erased and the memory
can be used without any problem.
• Initializing the memory will permanently erase all recordings. Lost origi-
nal recordings cannot be recovered. Make sure you save important
recordings in advance using an external device (A 107).
• Initializing a memory card will permanently erase any music files and
images you may have transferred to the card. (6/4 The music
files and image mix frames that come pre-installed in the built-in mem-
ory will be restored after it is initialized.) To transfer music files from the
supplied VIXIA CD-ROM to the memory card:
- Windows users: Use the supplied software for AVCHD movies,
Transfer Utility LE. For details, refer to the Software Guide (PDF file)
of PIXELA’s software.
- Mac OS users: Use Finder to transfer music files from the “MUSIC”
folder on the supplied VIXIA CD-ROM to the memory card. Refer to
About the music files
(A 190) for the folder structure of the memory
> [ Other Settings] > q > [Initialize &/] >
[& Built-in Mem.] or [ Mem. Card] > [Initialize] >
[Complete Initialization]
> [Yes]
> [OK] > [X]
> [ Other Settings] > q > [Initialize ] >
[Initialize] > [Complete Initialization]
> [Yes]
> [OK] >