Appendix F. Reading Voice Code
Information from a *.DLD File
When a file is edited and saved in LoggerTalk, the information for voice
communication is added to the end of the *.DLD file. This information can be
verified for accuracy.
A copy of typical voice code is provided below. The numbers between the
"smiley faces" (☺) and the "&" symbols are the numbers associated with the
words used from the word list. The ☺ symbol is equivalent to control code A
(^A). Refer to Appendix H to review the word list used with the COM300.
Several lines of code that begin with a tilde (~) may precede the voice code.
These strings are set up information. The voice code follows this information.
The first line of the voice code is the wording used for input locations. The
second line is the wording used for ports. The third line is the wording used for
flags. The lines following are used for message descriptions. Each message
will terminate with a period.
Notice that line four below starts with ">\4". The > indicates the string is an
initial message. The 4 following the slash indicates the number of digits
following the decimal point that the COM300 will announce for that input
The numbers inside the quotation marks are the words associated with the input
The number following the "$" symbol is the input memory location number
used in the datalogger.
F.1 Typical Voice Code
Following is code for a typical call: