4.1 Precautions
Only connect the VORTEX amplier to a appropriate AC circuit and outlet,
according to the requirements indicated on the rating plate label.
NOTE: Even under normal conditions the mains current can reach levels
(up to 60 A / 230 V and 120 A / 115 V); this could cause lamps to
icker if connected to the same mains as the amp. The impedance of
the AC circuit should be less than 0,157 Ohms to avoid icker according
to EN61000-3-11. Ask / inform your local power provider. Don’t even
think about measureing this with your ohmmeter. This may damage your
meter, caution - high voltage hazards!
4.2 Controls
4.2.1 Volume Control
A microprocessor-controlled DCA (Digital Controlled Attenuator) with a control
resolution of 12 bits per channel is integrated into the signal path. This means
that the signal is not subject to an A/D followed by a D/A conversion with
associated losses. Each channel is governed by a linear potentiometer with 41
notched settings. These settings have been selected to correspond to human
hearing characteristics (logarithmically) and therefore guarantee an optimal
range of settings for practical applications. Each channel can be set individually
except when operating in mono mode whereby only ChA is active.
Using an intelligent DCA control (Digital Controlled Attenuator) instead of
the “conventional” VCA results in considerably reduced distortion as well as
improved noise characteristics. The implementation is comparatively simple:
the volume potentiometers pass the relevant control information (quieter or
louder depending on the adjustment made to the potentiometers) to the
microprocessor. The microprocessor then adjusts the power amp output using
various strategies implemented in software. In addition to improved technical
parameters, this approach allows a signicant reduction in the number of
components and circuits required.
The volume pots are also used to set the CAI-address.
(See 5.2.3, CAI Address Settings)
4.2.2 Gain Selector
A switch on the rear of the VORTEX allows the maximum amplication
attainable to be set directly in the input stage.
The VORTEX amplier has a 26 dB and 32 dB
voltage gain setting along with a 1.4 V
sensitivity setting.
4.2.3 Limiter Switch
This switch is located at the rear of VORTEX. It allows you to set the mode of
the limiter. There are three modes:
Right position:
Clip Limiter: ON & Speaker Protect: ON
Middle position:
Clip Limiter: OFF & Speaker Protect: ON
26dB 1.4V
SpP Clip
SpP Clip