Operation & Maintenance
How to operate your heater
1. Once installation is complete and power has been restored, turn
the thermostat knob fully clockwise. (The thermostat is on the right.)
2. When the room reaches your comfort level, turn the thermostat
knob counterclockwise until the heater turns off. The heater will
auto mat ically cycle around this preset temperature.*
3. To reduce the room temperature,
turn the knob counterclockwise.
To increase the room tempera ture, turn the knob clockwise.
4. For additional heat beyond thermostat setting, when room is
occupied, turn timer to desired minutes. (The timer is on the left
and represented by the symbol . The numbers indicate minutes.)
Heater will remain on until time expires, then control of the heater
will return to the thermostat and the previous set
-point setting.
As needed, or every six months minimum.
. WARNING! Before removing grill, turn the electrical power off
at the electrical panel board (circuit breaker or fuse box). Lock or tag
the panel board door to prevent someone from accidentally turning
the power on while you are working on the heater. Failure to do so
could result in serious electrical shock, burns, or possible death.
. It is important that you verify power has been turned off and no
power is going to the heater before proceeding. Circuit breakers
are often not marked correctly and turning the wrong breaker off
could mean electricity is flowing to the heater, even if the heater
does not appear to be working. If you are uncomfortable working
with electrical appliances, unable to follow these guidelines, or do
not have
the necessary equipment, consult a qualified electrician.
3. Once you verify the power has been turned off correctly,
proceed to the next step.
4. Remove screws and take off grill.
5. Wash grill with hot soapy water and dry immediately.
6. While holding fan (to avoid damage or bending), use a hair dryer
or vacuum on blow cycle to blow debris through the top element
(do not touch element).
7. Vacuum fan area without touching the elements.
8. Replace grill and secure w
ith screws.
9. Turn thermostat to desired setting.
10. Turn power back on at the electrical panel board.
About the Manual Reset Temperature Limit Control
The heater is protected by a temperature-limiting control. The manual
reset temperature limit control is designed to open the heater circuit
when excessive operating temperatures are detected. The problem
must be assessed and the limit must be reset to re
sume operation.
Resetting the Manual Reset Temperature Limit Control
If the manual reset limit control has opened the heater circuit due to
excessive operating temperatures, the heater will not work until the
manual reset limit button is pressed. After allowing the unit to cool
for at least 10 minutes and resolving the problem causing the limit
to trip; use a narrow object such as a ball-point pen to a
ccess the
manual reset button through the lower-right center section of the
heater grill. Press FIRMLY and be sure to listen and feel for a click,
indicating it has been reset.
Figure 9
How do I insert the heater assembly into the wall can?
Turn heater assembly upside down (element down with motor facing you). Connect the supply wires to the
heater wires with connectors (See Figure 9). Now rotate the heater so the element and the fan are facing you.
The element should be at the top.
Insert the bottom edge of the heater assembly into the half round slots in the bottom lip of the wall can (See
Figure 10). [IMPORTANT: Push wires into bottom of wall can during insertion. Be sure that supply wires are not
caught between motor and wall can, attach assembly at top with screw provided.]
Secure grill with the screws provided. Slide thermostat
knob onto right control shaft extending through the grill
and the timer knob onto the left shaft. Turn power on at
the electrical panel board
Install Heater Assembly
Install Grill
Warranty is void
if any material
is sprayed
on the element
or blower.
Figure 10
*Note: If thermostat knob is turned fully counterclockwise, it will be in the
disabled (no heat) position.