TeraStation User Manual 60
Click [Use Local Date/Time] to use your computer’s time settings for the TeraStation.
By default, the TeraStation adjusts its clock automatically by using an NTP server.
NTP may not be usable in some networks.
The default NTP Server (ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp) belongs to Internet Multi Feed Inc. For more information,
please visit www.jst.mfeed.ad.jp.
Use NTP at your own risk. Bualo Technology is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by using
of this service, stopping the service, or missing service.
You’ve completed hostname and time settings for the TeraStation.
The TeraStation’s internal clock may run at a slightly dierent speed from other clocks on you network, and over a long
period of time your network devices may show dierent times. If clocks on your network vary by more than 5 minutes
it may cause unexpected behavior. For best results, keep all clocks on the network set to the same time by adjusting
them regularly, or use an NTP server to correct them all automatically.