Conguring Windows Media Player:
the LinkTheater. If you’ve already installed the Buffalo PC Media
Server utility, then using Windows Media Player 11 may not be
necessary. Windows Media Player 11 replaces the Windows
Media Connect 2.0 software that was available within previous
versions of Windows XP. If you still have Windows Media
Connect 2.0 software on your computer, it will continue to work
with your LinkTheater, but upgrading to Windows Media Player
11 or later is recommended.
Among other functions, Windows Media Player 11 streams
multimedia content to devices like LinkTheater. Currently it’s the
only way to transmit DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected
setting up Windows Media Player is not necessary. Windows
the WinDRM codec. Currently, the LinkTheater only supports
(this includes napster.com, walmart.com, rhapsody.com,
movielink.com, cinemanow.com and other sources).
You can get the latest version of Windows Media Player from
Microsoft’s Window’s Update (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.
com ).