m. Outlet shall be accessible from outside the unit.
8. Thru--the--Base Connectors:
a. Kits shall provide connectors to permit gas and e lectrical connections to be brought to the unit through the
unit basepan.
b. Minimum of four connection locations per unit.
9. Fan/Filter Status Switch:
a. Switch shall provide status of indoor evaporator fan (ON/OFF) or filter (CLEAN/DIRT Y).
b. Status shall be displayed either over communication bus (when used with direct digital controls) or with an
indicator light at the thermostat.
10. Propeller Power Exhaust:
a. Power exhaust shall be used in conjunction with a n integrated economizer.
b. Independent modules for vertical or horizontal return configurations shall be available.
c. Horizontal power exhaust is shall be mounted in return ductwork.
d. Power exhaust shall be controlled by economizer controller operation. Exhaust fans shall be energized
when dampers open past the 0--100% adjustable set point on the ec onomizer control.
11. Ultraviolet Germicidal Lamps:
a. Ultraviolet germicidal lamps are designed to eliminate odor causing mold and fungus that may develop in
the wet area of the evaporator section of the unit.
b. Shall be installed in the indoor blower section of the unit and shine on the evaporator and condensate pan.
c. Shall be specifically designed and optimized for 40_F(4_C) to 45_F(7_C), high--humidity operation in a
moving air stream inside an HVAC unit.
d. The germicida l lamps shall have an output rating at 45_F(7_C) in 400 fpm airflow of 120 microwatts/cm2
at 1 meter.
12. Roof Curbs (Vertical):
a. Full perimeter roof curb with exhaust capability providing separate airstreams for energy recovery from the
exhaust air without supply air contamination.
b. Formed gal vanized steel with wood nailer strip and shall be capable of supporting entire unit weight.
c. Permits installation and securing of ductwork to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
13. Head Pressure Control Package:
a. Consists of solid--state c ontrol and conde nser--coil temperature sensor to maintain condensing temperature
betwee n 90_F and 110_F(32_C and 43_C) at outdoor ambient temperatures down to --20_F(--29_C) by
condenser--fan speed modulation or condense r--fan cycling and wind baffles.
14. Flue Shiel d:
a. Provides added safety protecti on from the hot sides of the gas flue hood.
15. Condenser Coil Ha il Guard Assembl y:
a. Hail guard shall protect against damage from hail and flying debris.
16. Unit--Mounted, Non--Fused Disconnect Switch:
a. Shall be factory --installed, internally mounted, NEC and UL approved non--fused switch shall provide unit
power shutoff.
b. Shall be accessible from outside the unit and shall provide power off lockout capability. (80 amp maxim-
17. Convenience Outlet :
a. Shall be factory--installed and internally mounted with easily accessible 115--v female receptacle.
b. Shall include 15-- amp GFI receptacle with independent fuse protection.
c. Voltage required to operate convenience outlet shall be provided by a factory--installed step--down trans-
d. Shall be accessible from outside the unit.
18. High--Static Indoor Fan Motor(s) and Drive(s) (004--12):
a. High--static motor(s) and drive(s) shall be factory --installed to provide additional performance range.
19. Flue Discharge Deflector:
a. Flue di sc harge deflector direc ts unit exhaust vertically instead of horizontally.
20. Condenser Coil Grille:
a. The grille protects the condenser coil from damage by large objects without increasing unit clearances.
21. Thru--the--Bottom Utility Connectors: