
*Motor drive range: 1070 to 1460 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied
See General Fan Performance notes on page 27.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40.
*Motor drive range: 1300 to 1685 rpm. All other rpms require a field-supplied
See General Fan Performance notes on page 27.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.90.
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 888 0.60 532 984 0.75 662 1069 0.90 802 1148 1.07 951 1221 1.25 1109
1900 927 0.69 610 1019 0.84 747 1102 1.00 892 1179 1.18 1046 1250 1.36 1208
2000 965 0.78 697 1054 0.94 839 1135 1.11 990 1210 1.29 1149 1280 1.48 1316
2100 1004 0.89 792 1090 1.06 940 1169 1.23 1096 1242 1.42 1260 1310 1.61 1432
2200 1044 1.01 896 1127 1.18 1050 1203 1.36 1211 1274 1.55 1381 1341 1.75 1557
2300 1084 1.14 1009 1164 1.32 1169 1238 1.50 1336 1308 1.70 1511 1373 1.91 1693
2400 1123 1.27 1132 1201 1.46 1298 1273 1.66 1471 1341 1.86 1651 1405 2.07 1838
2500 1164 1.42 1265 1239 1.62 1437 1309 1.82 1616 1375 2.03 1801 1438 2.24 1994
2600 1204 1.59 1409 1277 1.79 1586 1345 1.99 1771 1410 2.21 1962
2700 1244 1.76 1563 1315 1.97 1747 1382 2.18 1938 1445 2.40 2135
2800 1285 1.95 1729 1354 2.16 1919 1419 2.38 2116 ————
2900 1326 2.15 1907 1393 2.37 2104 —————————
3000 13672.362097————————————
548F072 (6 TONS) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1289 1.44 1276 1354 1.63 1450 1415 1.84 1632 1473 2.05 1822 1529 2.27 2019
1900 1317 1.55 1379 1380 1.75 1557 1441 1.96 1743 1498 2.18 1937 ———
2000 1345 1.68 1491 1408 1.88 1673 1467 2.10 1863 1524 2.32 2060 ———
2100 1375 1.81 1611 1436 2.03 1798 1494 2.24 1993 ——————
2200 1405 1.96 1742 1465 2.18 1933 1522 2.40 2132 ——————
2300 1435 2.12 1882 1494 2.34 2078 —————————
2400 1466 2.29 2032 ————————————
2500 ———————————————
2600 ———————————————
2700 ———————————————
2800 ———————————————
2900 ———————————————
3000 ———————————————
Bhp Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts Input Watts to Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 888 0.60 532 984 0.75 662 1069 0.90 802 1148 1.07 951 1221 1.25 1109
1900 927 0.69 610 1019 0.84 747 1102 1.00 892 1179 1.18 1046 1250 1.36 1208
2000 965 0.78 697 1054 0.94 839 1135 1.11 990 1210 1.29 1149 1280 1.48 1316
2100 1004 0.89 792 1090 1.06 940 1169 1.23 1096 1242 1.42 1260 1310 1.61 1432
2200 1044 1.01 896 1127 1.18 1050 1203 1.36 1211 1274 1.55 1381 1341 1.75 1557
2300 1084 1.14 1009 1164 1.32 1169 1238 1.50 1336 1308 1.70 1511 1373 1.91 1693
2400 1123 1.27 1132 1201 1.46 1298 1273 1.66 1471 1341 1.86 1651 1405 2.07 1838
2500 1164 1.42 1265 1239 1.62 1437 1309 1.82 1616 1375 2.03 1801 1438 2.24 1994
2600 1204 1.59 1409 1277 1.79 1586 1345 1.99 1771 1410 2.21 1962 1471 2.43 2160
2700 1244 1.76 1563 1315 1.97 1747 1382 2.18 1938 1445 2.40 2135 1505 2.63 2338
2800 1285 1.95 1729 1354 2.16 1919 1419 2.38 2116 1481 2.61 2319 1539 2.85 2527
2900 1326 2.15 1907 1393 2.37 2104 1456 2.60 2306 1517 2.83 2514
3000 1367 2.36 2097 1432 2.59 2300 1494 2.82 2508 ————
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1289 1.44 1276 1354 1.63 1450 1415 1.84 1632 1473 2.05 1822 1529 2.27 2019
1900 1317 1.55 1379 1380 1.75 1557 1441 1.96 1743 1498 2.18 1937 1553 2.41 2137
2000 1345 1.68 1491 1408 1.88 1673 1467 2.10 1863 1524 2.32 2060 1579 2.55 2264
2100 1375 1.81 1611 1436 2.03 1798 1494 2.24 1993 1550 2.47 2194 1604 2.70 2401
2200 1405 1.96 1742 1465 2.18 1933 1522 2.40 2132 1578 2.63 2337 1631 2.87 2548
2300 1435 2.12 1882 1494 2.34 2078 1551 2.57 2280 1605 2.80 2490
2400 1466 2.29 2032 1524 2.51 2232 1580 2.75 2440 ————
2500 1498 2.47 2193 1555 2.70 2398 —————————
2600 1530 2.66 2364 1586 2.90 2574 —————————
2700 15632.872547————————————
2800 ———————————————
2900 ———————————————
3000 ———————————————
Bhp Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts Input Watts to Motor