K. Electrical Requirements:
All unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a single
factory-predrilled location.
L. Motors:
1. Compressor motors shall be cooled by refrigerant
gas passing through motor windings and shall have
line break thermal and current overload protection.
2. Indoor-fan motor shall have permanently lubricated
bearings and inherent automatic-reset thermal over-
load protection.
3. Totally enclosed outdoor-fan motor shall have perma-
nently lubricated bearings, and inherent automatic-
reset thermal overload protection.
M. Special Features:
Certain features are not applicable when the features
designated * are specified. For assistance in amending
the specifications, contact your local Bryant Sales Office.
1. Roof Curbs (Horizontal and Vertical):
a. Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer strip
and shall be capable of supporting entire unit
b. Permits installation and securing of ductwork to
curb prior to mounting unit on the curb.
*2. Integrated Economizers:
a. Integrated integral modulating type capable
of simultaneous economizer and compressor
b. Includes all hardware and controls to provide
cooling with outdoor air.
c. Equipped with low-leakage dampers, not to exceed
3% leakage at 1 in. wg pressure differential.
d. Capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air.
e. EconoMi$er shall be equipped with a barometric
relief damper.
f. Designed to close damper(s) during loss-of-
power situations with spring return built into
g. Dry bulb outdoor-air temperature sensor shall be
provided as standard. Enthalpy, differential tem-
perature, and differential enthalpy control shall be
provided as an option.
h. EconoMi$er is a gear-driven parallel blade
i. EconoMi$er shall provide control of internal build-
ing pressure through its accessory two-stage
power exhaust function.
j. EconoMi$er shall be capable of control from a 4
to 20 mA signal.
3. 25% Manual Outdoor-Air Damper:
Manual damper package shall consist of damper,
birdscreen, and rainhood which can be preset
to admit up to 25% outdoor air for year-round
*4. 50% Manual Outdoor-Air Damper:
Manual damper package shall consist of damper,
birdscreen, and rainhood which can be preset
to admit up to 50% outdoor air for year-round
*5. 100% Two-Position Damper:
a. Two-position damper package shall include single
blade damper and motor. Admits up to 100% out-
door air.
b. Damper shall close upon indoor (evaporator) fan
c. Designed to close damper during loss of power
d. Equipped with 15% barometric relief damper.
*6. 25% Two-Position Damper:
a. Two-position damper package shall include single
blade damper and motor. Admits up to 25% out-
door air.
b. Damper shall close upon indoor fan shutoff.
*7. Head Pressure Control Package:
Consists of solid-state control and condenser-coil
temperature sensor to maintain condensing temper-
ature between 90 F and 110 F at outdoor ambient
temperatures down to –20 F by condenser-fan speed
modulation or condenser-fan cycling and wind
*8. Electric Resistance Heaters:
a. Open wire nichrome elements with all necessary
safety operating controls.
b. UL listed and indicated on basic unit information
c. Available in multiples to match heating require-
d. Single point kits available for each heater when
*9. Electronic Programmable Thermostat:
Capable of using deluxe full-featured electronic ther-
mostat. Shall use built-in compressor cycle delay
control for both heating and cooling duty.
*10. Thermostat and Subbase:
Provides staged cooling and heating automatic (or
manual) changeover, fan control, and indicator light.
*11. Outdoor Coil Hail Guard Assembly:
Hail guard shall protect against damage from hail
and flying debris.
*12. Unit-Mounted, Non-Fused Disconnect Switch:
Shall be factory-installed, internally mounted. NEC
and UL approved non-fused switch shall provide unit
power shutoff. Shall be accessible from outside the
unit and shall provide power off lockout capability.
*13. Convenience Outlet:
Shall be factory-installed and internally mounted with
easily accessible 115-v female receptacle. Shall
include 15 amp GFI receptacle with independent
fuse protection. Voltage required to operate conve-
nience outlet shall be provided by a factory-installed
step-down transformer. Shall be accessible from out-
side the unit.
*14. Outdoor Coil Grille:
The grille protects the outdoor coil from damage by
large objects without increasing unit clearances.