Troubleshooting 9-3
1 —
2 —
3 —
4 —
5 —
6 —
7 —
8 —
9 —
+1 +4
+2 +3
3. Press the “Bobbin Winding” button.
4. The machine displays the screen shown at left.
5. Using the included touch pen, lightly touch the center
of the +, in order from 1 to 5.
Only use the included touch pen to touch the screen.
Do not use a mechanical pencil, pin, or other sharp ob-
ject. Do not press strongly on the screen. Otherwise,
damage may result.
6. Press the numbers in order 1 - 5. If the buzzer sounds
one time after you press number 5, the operation is
finished. If the buzzer sounds twice, there was an er-
ror. In this case, repeat the steps above.
7. The screen adjustment is finished. Turn off the main
power switch, then turn it back on.
If you finish the screen adjustment and the screen still
does not respond, or if you can not do the adjustment,
contact your authorized dealer.