8-8 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1206B-BC
Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Display Example of Output Information
Displays the production information that are collected during the specified period.
Display Contents
Total electricity supply time
Total time when the machine was energized within the specified
Total embroidering time Total time when the machine embroidered within the specified
Total actual embroidering time Total actual time when the machine embroidered within the
specified period
Excluded time Total time of intermission and maintenance for the number of days
in the specified period
Electricity supply efficiency Electricity supply efficiency by calculating below:
(Total electricity supply time - excluded time) / total electricity
supply time
Embroidering efficiency period Ratio of the actual embroidering time to the total embroidering time
Total actual embroidering time / total embroidering time
Number The pattern embroidered during the specified period is numbered.
Pattern name Name of the pattern
No. of stitches in pattern Number of stitches in the pattern
Total stitches (*)
Total number of stitches by repeating embroidering
No. of stitches in pattern X No. of times embroidered
No. of colors in pattern (*) Number of colors in the pattern
No. of times embroidered (*) Number of embroidering repeated
No. of workpieces embroidered (*) Number of finished sheets by one embroidering cycle
Total no. of heads which are stopped Total number of the heads at rest for one embroidering cycle
Embroidering time (*) Time from embroidering start to the end for the pattern
Actual embroidering time (*) Embroidering time from which the time for interruption, stop due to
thread breakage, and stop due to error is excluded
Average embroidering speed
Average embroidering speed in the actual embroidering time (the
number of stitches per minute)
Total stitches/actual embroidering time
Efficiency 1 (*)
Ratio of the actual embroidering time to the embroidering time for
the pattern with time for interruption excluded
Actual embroidering time/(embroidering time-time for interruption)
Efficiency 2 (*)
Ratio of the actual embroidering time to the embroidering time
Actual embroidering time / embroidering time
Time stopped (*) Total of stop time during embroidering
Reason for stoppage (*) Reasons for stoppage are indicated. Refer to the next page.
The items marked with "*" can be shown or hidden on the "Setting items to be displayed" screen.
**) Electricity supply time is totaled per one day.