Hold the quilting foot in place with your right
hand, and then tighten the presser foot holder
screw using the disc-shaped screwdriver in
your left hand.
a Presser foot holder screw
Slide the feed dog position lever, located at the
rear of the machine on the base, to (to
the right as seen from the front of the machine).
a Feed dog position lever
(as seen from the rear of the machine)
X The feed dogs are lowered.
Turn on the sewing machine, and then select a
Use both hands to hold the fabric taut, then
move the fabric to follow the pattern.
Reinforcement stitches are sewn at the
beginning and end of sewing.
a Pattern
After sewing is finished, slide the feed dog
position lever to (to the left as seen from
the front of the machine) and turn the
handwheel to raise the dogs.
• Normally, the feed dog position lever is
positioned at .
● Be sure to securely tighten the screws with
the disc-shaped screwdriver, otherwise the
needle may touch the presser foot, causing it
to bend or break.