Pass the thread along the thread path
indicated on the machine, and then pass it
under the number 1 middle thread guide
1 Middle thread guide
2 Thread guide pin
• The path from the upper thread guide
around the thread tension disc and to the
middle thread guide (steps 5 through 6)
differs depending on the spool number.
Passing the thread from the left to the right
through the thread guide pins is designed
to prevent the thread from becoming
tangled. Thread each needle bar as shown
in the illustration on page 57.
Pass the thread along the number 1 slot to
pass it through the number 1 take-up lever
hole from right to left.
1 Thread take-up lever
Pass the thread down through the slot to the
lower thread guide, and then through the
hole in the number 1 lower thread guide.
1 Hole in lower thread guide
Use the included threader to pass the thread
into the number 1 needle bar thread guide.
1 Needle bar thread guide
2 Needle changing tool (Threader)