4-5-1. Applying grease
If the work clamp does not move up and down smoothly, error E-60 may be displayed.
Check that the mechanism moves smoothly and also apply grease to all sliding parts during assembly.
KE-430B, 430C series
-433B, 434B, 434C>
<KE-432B, 432C> <BE-438B, 438C>
Sliding portions of link shaft, C [1], link, B [2], and work clamp plate (work clamp lifting rod: KE-432B, 432C,
BE-438B, 438C) [3]
2. Sliding portions of link shaft, B [4], link, B [2], link, A [5] and link assy, C [6]
3. Forked portion of the thread wiper driving lever [7]
4. Sliding portions of link shaft, A [8] and link, A [5]
5. Sliding portions of link shaft, D [9] and link assy, C [6]
6. Forked portion of the plunger [10] where link assy, C [6] is fitted
7. Outer and inner surfaces of spherical bush [11] to be attached to link assy, C [6]
8. Shaft of work clamp plate (work clamp lifting rod: KE-432B/432C, BE-438B/438C) [3]