Connecting the Remote Control Cable and Wire Cord
Wire Cord
1. Locate the Wire Cord under the orange Fuel Tank
Mount (Figure 6).
2. Connect the terminals of the Wire Cord from under
the Fuel Tank Mount to the terminals of the wire
Cord coming from the Tow Bar (they are keyed and
color coded) by pushing them together until they
snap in place (Figure 6).
3. Insert the Cable Zip-Tie provided through the holes
in the Black Belt Cover (Figure 4 on page 16) and
replace the Black Belt Cover on the machine by
slipping it under the Wire Cord just connected.
Make sure the Wire Cord Connectors are tucked
back under the Fuel Tank Mount and that the Wire
Cord is routed through the Notch (Figure 6) in the
Fuel Tank Mount.
4. Reinstall the three (3) Bolts and Washers to retain
the Black Pulley Cover.
5. Wrap the Cable Zip-Tie around the Wire Cord and
pull it tight. It should squeeze into the Wire Cord.
Throttle Control Cable - 13 HP B&S
Tool Needed:
• Blade Screwdriver or 5/16" Nut Driver
1. Route the Throttle Control Cable from the Tow Bar
behind the Fuel Tank straps (Figure 7).
2. Move the Throttle Control to the Choke position on
the Remote Control Panel.
3. Insert the “Z”-Bend of the Cable end into the hole in
the Nylon Slide on the side of the carburetor (Figure 8).
Figure 6
Fuel Tank
Wire Cord
Tow Bar Wire Cord
Cable in Notch
Figure 7
Fuel Tank Straps
Figure 8
Nylon Slide
Cable Routing