Making a good cup of coffee is an art that is
simple to achieve. Here are some tips to help
you make the perfect coffee.
Pre-ground coffee can be used and should be
stored in an air-tight container, in a cool, dry
area. Pre-ground coffee should not be kept for
longer than 1 week as flavor will diminish. Do
not refrigerate or freeze.
Whole coffee beans, freshly ground just before
use, are recommended. Coffee beans should be
stored in an air-tight container, in a cool, dry
area but should not be kept for longer than 1
month as flavor will diminish. Do not refrigerate
or freeze.
When brewing coffee, make sure the water flows
through the Coffee Filter at the correct rate.
If the water flow is too slow the coffee will be
over extracted and will be very dark and bitter,
with a mottled and uneven crema on top.
If the water flow is too fast, the coffee will be
under extracted – the optimal flavor will not
develop, the coffee will be watery and lack the
thick crema on the top.
The water flow can be adjusted by varying the
pressure that the coffee is tamped (pressed
down) in the Filter or by changing the grind of
the coffee.
If using a pre-ground coffee, ensure an espresso
grind suitable for espresso/cappuccino machines
is purchased.
If grinding coffee beans, the grind should be
fine but not too fine or powdery. The grind will
affect the rate at which the water flows through
the coffee in the Filter and therefore the taste of
the coffee.
If the grind is too fine (looks like powder and
feels like flour when rubbed between fingers),
the water will not flow through the coffee even
when under pressure. The resulting coffee will
be over extracted, too dark and bitter, with a
mottled and uneven crema on top.
If the grind is too coarse the water will flow
through the coffee too quickly. This will result
in an under-extracted coffee lacking in flavor and
without the thick crema on the top layer
of coffee.