Code Switch Setting
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Code Sw itch Sett ing
Some simple rules to keep it all straight
Whether you use just one or many RC-38S remotes, keep
these guidelines in mind.
• Remote controls for other-room use must be set with:
• the same house code as the primary remote.
• a different room code from the primary remote.
• a different room code from every other RC-38S
remote, with one exception. If you want to use the
RC-38S as an extra main-room remote, it must be
set for use in Room A, the same as the primary
• If the RC-38S remote will be used with Bose
link com-
patible products, such as:
• with a LIFESTYLE
SA-2 or SA-3 amplifier and pas-
sive speakers, the amplifier and remote must be set
to the same room code.
• with a 3•2•1 Series II or 3•2•1 GS Series II system,
the remote and system must be set to the same
room code.
• If the remote will be used with older Bose
• with Bose legacy speakers or systems (purchased
before 2004), only the remote needs a room code
setting. Set it as Room O.
• with a LIFESTYLE
stereo amplifier (SA-1) the
RC-38S must be set to Room B so it matches the
amplifier room setting.