Please read this instruction manual thoroughly before using your new brakes; it
contains important safety and maintenance information. Also check our web site
for further information or updates. If you do not understand the information, or
you have a question about your brakes that this manual does not cover, consult
your Bontrager dealer. If you have a question or problem that your Bontrager
dealer can’t handle, contact us at:
Bontrager Components 920.478.4678
Attn: Customer Service http://www.bontrager.com
801 W. Madison Street
Waterloo, Wisconsin 53594
Conditions for Use ........................................................................ 1
Before every ride: Checklist .......................................................... 2
Use your brakes carefully .............................................................. 3
Do not overuse the front-wheel brake ....................................... 3
Make sure your brakes meet your needs ................................... 3
Be careful when riding in wet conditions .................................. 3
Installation instructions ................................................................. 4
Adjustment instructions ................................................................. 6
To function check the brakes .................................................... 7
Bontrager Limited warranty .......................................................... 8
Carbon crash replacement policy .................................................. 8