BMW Motorrad zūmo Owner’s Manual
CustoMizing the zūMo
Restore—restore the default map
Changing the System
Touch > System.
GPS Mode—enable and disable GPS
and WAAS/EGNOS. Turning on the
WAAS/EGNOS setting might improve
GPS accuracy, but it consumes more
battery power. Go to www.garmin.com/
aboutGPS/waas.html for information
Safe Mode—turn Safe Mode on or off.
When your vehicle is moving, Safe
Mode disables all functions that require
signicant operator attention and could
become a distraction while driving.
Garmin Lock—turn on Garmin Lock
to lock your zūmo. Enter a 4-digit PIN,
and set a security location. For more
information, see page 6.
About—display your zūmo’s software
version number, unit ID number, and
audio version number. You need this
information when you update the system
software (see page 44) or purchase
additional map data (see page 45).
Restore—restore the default system
Localizing Your zūmo
Touch > Locale.
To change a setting, touch the button
next to the icon.