Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
Roof-mounted luggage rack
A special luggage system is available
for your coupe as an optional acces-
sory. Please comply with the precau-
tions included with the installation in-
Because roof racks raise the center of
gravity of the car when loaded, they
exercise a major effect on its handling
and steering response.
You should therefore always remember
not to exceed the approved roof weight,
the approved gross vehicle weight or
the axle weights when loading the rack.
You will find the specifications for this
under "Technical Data" on page 184.
Make sure that the load is not too heavy,
and attempt to distribute it evenly.
Always load the heaviest pieces first
(on the bottom). Be sure that adequate
clearance is maintained for raising the
sunroof, and that objects do not project
into the opening path of the luggage
compartment lid.
Lash the roof luggage down correctly
and securely to prevent it from shifting
or being lost during driving – this would
endanger following traffic.
Drive smoothly and avoid sudden
acceleration or braking. Do not corner
at high speeds.
The roof load increases the aerody-
namic resistance. Increased fuel con-
sumption and additional stresses on the
vehicle's body result from this.
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