Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
Tire inflation pressure
The inflation pressures are indicated on
a label attached to the B-pillar behind
the driver's door (visible with door
Check tire pressures
All pressure specifications are indicated
in psi (Kilopascal [kPa]) with the tires at
ambient temperature (refer also to the
next pages).
Check tire inflation pressures reg-
ularly – at least every two weeks
and before beginning a longer trip. In-
correct tire pressure can otherwise lead
to tire damage and accidents.
Check the air pressure of the spare tire
(Z3 roadster, Z3 coupe) as well. Refer
to the following tables and page 110.<
Comply with tire approval
The inflation pressures in the table apply
to tires made by BMW-approved manu-
facturers. Your BMW center is familiar
with these pressures. Higher pressures
may be specified for tires made by other
manufacturers. You will find a list of
approved tires beginning on page 116.
Your vehicle is equipped with tires that
meet both US standards and European
standards. We recommend the exclu-
sive use of BMW-approved tires.
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