Care and Maintenance
BMW’s Rear Seat Entertainment System is a product of
superior design and craftsmanship and should be treat-
ed with care. The suggestions below will help provide
many years of trouble-free enjoyment.
• Cleaning Components and Housings: Clean com-
ponents by occasional gentle wiping with a soft, lint-
free, cotton cloth that has been slightly dampened
with warm water and wrung out completely. Dry the
finish by wiping with a clean dry cotton cloth.
• Use and Storage:
• Components should never be stored near or
over a heat register or in direct sunlight.
• Do not store components in cold areas.
Condensation moisture that will damage
electronic circuits can form, as components
warm up to normal operating temperatures.
• These units contain precision electronics that
must be protected from dust, dirt, and moisture.
• Never spill liquids on any component. Liquids,
humidity, and precipitation contain minerals that
will corrode electronic circuits.
• Take care to avoid the following:
• Rough handling can break internal circuit
boards. Do not drop, knock, or shake
• Do not attempt to paint or refinish components.
Paint can clog moving parts and prevent proper
• Non-expert handling can damage components.
Attempting to open any of the components may
void the limited warranty.
• Use of liquids, abrasives, aerosol cleaners, interior
protectant products or paper cleaning products will
result in permanent damage to the finish and plastic
housings of components! The LCD monitor is made
of a specially coated glass and can be scratched or
damaged by abrasive products, solvents, or ammo-
nia-based window cleaners.
• Do not allow volatile substances, such as insecti-
cides, to come into contact with components to
prevent damage to products finish.